Saturday, March 26, 2011

The B Vitamins - The Energy Vitamins

The B vitamins were identified and isolated early in the twentieth century when refined grains were first found to cause deficiency diseases. The B vitamins work so closely together that it is hard to tell which individual B vitamin is missing when a deficiency occurs. The B vitamins need to be taken together in food or in supplements.

                                                     Introducing the B Vitamins
Other nutrients also interact with the B vitamins. In one case, a mineral, iron, and an essential amino acid, tryptophan, are both needed to synthesize niacin, vitamin B3. The best way to avoid a deficiency of B vitamins is to eat a varied diet of fresh fruit, an abundance of vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, and other food as desired. Some of these B vitamins can also be made by friendly bacteria in a healthy colon and absorbed into circulation.

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